1. Medical Schools Council Selection Alliance. Indicators of Good Practice in Contextual Admissions. London; 2018. Available from https://www.medschools.ac.uk/news/selection-alliance-publishes-guidance-on-contextual-admissions. Accessed March 16, 2021.
2. Challenges In Widening Participation Outreach: Is Enough Being Done To Tackle The Under-Representation Of Low-Income Students In Medicine?
3. Medical Schools Council Selection Alliance. Selection Alliance 2017 Report: An Update on the Medical Schools Council’s Work in Selection and Widening Participation. London; 2017. Available from https://www.medschools.ac.uk/our-work/selection/selecting-for-excellence. Accessed March 16, 2021.
4. Office of National Statistics. NS-SeC. Nomis; 2011. Available from: https://www.nomisweb.co.uk/census/2011/qs607ew. Accessed March 16, 2021.