The outpatient medical care in patients with chronic diseases under dispensary supervision in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Temporary guidelines. Version 2


Drapkina O. M.,Drozdova L. Y.,Avdeev S. N.,Boytsov S. A.,Ivanova E. S.,Kaprin А. D.,Kunaeva T. A.,Lavrenova Е. A.,Liusan M. A.,Maev I. V.,Rakowskaya J. S.,Samorodskaya I. V.,Chesnikova А. I.,Shepel R. N.


Guidelines were approved at the meeting of the academic council of the National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine, Moscow (Protocol No. 10 of 19.10.2021).The aim of these guidelines is to provide primary care physicians with scientifically based algorithms for the implementation of dispensary monitoring in patients with chronic non-communicable diseases in the conditions of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) pandemic, including the use of telemedicine technologies.The organization and conduct of high-quality medical follow-up are the most important tasks aimed at both reducing the risks of developing complications of chronic non-communicable diseases and reducing overall mortality, especially in the current conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. The guidelines contain clinical aspects of dispensary follow-up, general principles of tactics for managing patients with various chronic non-communicable diseases in COVID-19 conditions, in addition, brief checklists with options for interviewing patients with various chronic non-communicable diseases are presented, topical aspects of the interaction of drugs used in the treatment of chronic non-communicable diseases with antiviral drugs are considered.The guidelines are intended for general practitioners, district therapists, general practitioners (family doctors), as well as doctors of other specialties providing primary health care.


Silicea - Poligraf, LLC


Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine

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