Buckling is one of the common destructive phenomena, which occurs in composite cylinders subjected to external pressure. In this paper, different methods to optimize stacking sequence of these cylinders are investigated. A finite element model is proposed in order to predict critical buckling pressure and the results are validated with previous experimental data. Theoretical analysis based on NASA SP‐8007 solution and the simplified equation for cylinder buckling of ASME RD-1172 are presented and discussed. The results of theoretical and finite element analysis and experimental tests are compared for both glass and carbon epoxy cylinders. Using NASA and ASME formulations, optimal laminations of cylinders in order to maximize buckling pressure, are obtained by genetic algorithm method. Suggested laminations and the values of corresponding critical buckling pressure calculated by finite element analysis, are presented and compared in various states. Obtained results show that while predicted buckling loads of finite element analysis are reliable, NASA formulation can be used in a very cost-effective method to optimize the buckling problems.
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