In this research, the validity and reliability of the C1 certification exam prepared by Gazi University TÖMER used in teaching Turkish as a foreign language was examined. The sample of the research consists of reading and listening test data of 250 participants who came to TÖMER between January and October 2023 and took the face-to-face exam. The content validity of the tests was ensured by the table of specifications created by the researchers. The test items were prepared based on CEFR (2020) qualifications and achievements in the MEB Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language Program (2020). The prepared test forms were presented to expert opinion and necessary arrangements were made in line with the suggestions. After the test preparation phase was completed, the administration of the exams started. After the sample size reached a sufficient number, data analysis began. In addition to descriptive analyzes such as percentage and frequency, factor analysis, item difficulty indices, item discrimination indices, reliability coefficient, average difficulty and average discrimination indices were calculated on the data. Factor analyzes of the tests were performed in the R-based Shiny application. One-dimensional tests were obtained by deleting 6 items from the reading test and 8 items from the listening test with factor load values below .40. In terms of reliability and discrimination, the reading test generally has high reliability and discrimination; It was determined that the listening test had good reliability and discrimination and it was an easy test. When the item analyzes of the reading test were examined, it was understood that 14 items were good, and when the item analyzes of the listening test were examined, 9 items were good and 3 items could be corrected and included in the test. Based on the findings, it was concluded that the items of the reading exam gave better response than the items of the listening exam and that a significant part of the reading exam could be preserved and used.
Social Sciences: Theory and Practice
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