Au Jee Yuan ,Faridah Yahya
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of different ratios of low protein flour to oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sajor-caju) powder on the physicochemical properties and sensory acceptability of edible tablespoon. Fresh grey oyster mushroom was dried in a convection oven at temperature of 55.0˚C ± 2.0˚C for 20 h prior to the grinding process. The low protein flour (LPF) was then incorporated with oyster mushroom powder (OMP) at different ratios of 100:0, 96:4, 92:8, 88:12 and 84:16, before being with vegetable oil, sugar, egg white and water in formulating the edible tablespoon. The proximate analyses were carried out in triplicate for calorie content, colour profile, hardness value and morphological structure of edible tablespoon. This study revealed that with decreasing LPF and increasing OMP in the formulation, the ash content (1.24% to 1.92%), crude fat content (8.98% to 10.40%) and fiber content (0.13% to 1.24%) were observed to have increased as well as the hardness value (2042.03g to 2844.57g) and pore’s size of the morphological structure of edible tablespoon. However, the carbohydrate content (78.64% to 75.56%) significantly decreased (p>0.05) together with L* value (from 68.47 to 61.71) when the decrease was in the the percentage of LPF and an increase the percentage of OMP. The calorie content, moisture content and protein content of edible tablespoon were not significantly (p>0.05) affected by different ratios of LPF to OMP. The edible tablespoon formulated with up to 8% of OMP was accepted by the sensory panelists but further increase in OMP addition significantly decreased the degree of likeness in terms of colour, odour, taste and overall acceptability of edible tablespoon. This study suggested that oyster mushroom edible tablespoon could be potential alternative disposable cutlery which will help to reduce the use of huge amount of non-biodegradable materials for environmental conservation.
Penerbit UMT, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
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