Features of Reparative Histogenesis in Bioplastic Material Application


Shevlyuk N. N.1,Gatiatullin I. Z.1,Stadnikov A. A.1


1. Orenburg State Medical University


In modern medicine, various biocompatible materials (based on biodegradable natural biopolymers – collagen, hyaluronic acid, chitin, chitosan, etc.) are widely used, primarily for the purposes of reconstructive and plastic surgery. The development of these materials and their introduction into clinical practice is an extremely urgent task of regenerative biology and medicine. One of the most important properties of bioplastic materials is their ability to undergo biodegradation and gradually be replaced by the recipient's proper tissues. In this case, the intermediate and final metabolic products of these materials should be included in the natural biochemical cycles of the body without their systemic and local accumulation, and degradation products should lack the toxicity effect. Bioplastic materials can also serve as carriers of biologically active substances, for example, growth factors and morphogenetic proteins, antibacterial substances, as well as pharmacological agents that affect the rate of regeneration. The designed three-dimensional porous structure of new materials, morphologically similar to the structure of body tissues, allows them to ensure the migration of fibroblastic cells, the growth of blood vessels in the area occupied by this material, that is, they can serve as a skeleton (matrix), a basis for histio- and organotypic regenerates developing in various organs. Many bioplastic materials have the ability to enhance angiogenesis, and are also able to activate proliferation and cytodifferentiation of epithelial cells and fibroblast differentiation cells of the connective tissue, which leads to the formation of young connective tissue in the transplant zone and epithelization of organ damage. Thus, biocompatible and biodegradable polymers are able to stimulate reparative histogenesis, providing optimal conditions for the formation of histio- and organotypic regenerates of various tissues and organs.


VSMU N.N. Burdenko


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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