The Features of the Connective Tissue Morphological Change During a Skin Scar Formation After a Cesarean Section


Mishina E. S.1,Zatolokina M. A.1


1. Kursk State Medical University


During a skin scar formation morphofunctional change of skin structures takes place. The action of external mechanical factors can lead to prolongation of reparative processes in the scar and to the change in the morphometric parameters of its components.Research goal: to study the features of the skin structural components morphological change in secundipara women during a connective tissue scar formation after a cesarean section.Material and methods. The materials for the study were the fragments of a connective tissue scar with an adjacent area of intact skin taken from 30 women after operative delivery by Caesarean section. On scanning electron microscopy, morphometric parameters were measured, which enabled to assess the cell composition and the changes in the fibrous components of the connective tissue scar.Results. Analyzing the thickness of the fibers in the same age group, the thickening of the fibers was observed in direct proportion to the number of births. Comparing different age groups with the same number of births, the thinning of collagen fibers was observed. The most pronounced changes were observed in women having three or more deliveries.Conclusion. Under the influence of the stretching force in the skin, a structural change of the connective tissue scar occurs. This change is due to the thickening of collagen structures, the decrease in the density of collagen structures location, the increase in the number of lymphocytes and macrophages.


VSMU N.N. Burdenko


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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