
Suplotova Ludmila A.1,Sharuho G. V.2,Kovalzhina L. C.3,Makarova O. B.1


1. Tyumen State Medical University

2. Tyumen State Medical University; Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare in the Tyumen region

3. Industrial University of Tyumen


Purpose. The purpose of this study was to consider the role of socio-hygienic monitoring in the implementation of the regional strategy for prevention of iodine deficiency. Materials and methods. The samples of salt from the market (2010-17) and salt which used by households of the Tyumen region (2013, 2016, 2017) were analyzed. Monitoring of retail markets in different municipalities was conducted to the analysis of the cost and assortment of iodized salt; Results of a representative sociological study of the behavior of families schoolchildren of grades 5-11 of the Tyumen region were examined. Results. The regional program for the prevention of iodine deficiency is being implemented in the Tyumen region for 20 years. This system of social and hygienic monitoring makes it possible to obtain objective data on the effectiveness of prevention and identify its weaknesses. At present, the need of the population of the region for iodized high-quality salt is provided completely: 0.17% of unsatisfactory samples of iodized salt was registered in 2016, unsatisfactory samples were not detected in 2017. A sociological study of the consumer behavior of parents of schoolchildren in the Tyumen region showed an increase in the number of parents who daily consume iodized salt in their home meals, from 53% in 2013 to 67% in 2017. In accordance with the analysis of salt samples from households in 2013, 26% of samples were content of iodine was in accordance with State Standards (GOST) R 51574-2000, in 2016 - 33%, in 2017 in all samples, the salt content of iodine met the requirements. The implemented regional policy of preventing iodine deficiency in the region is effective and requires further work with the population.


Federal Scientific Center for Hygiene F.F.Erisman


Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Pollution,General Medicine

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