Biological and sanitary evaluation of Sibaisky quarry dumps of the Bashkortostan Republic


Abakumov Evgeny V.1,Suyundukov Ya. T.2,Pigareva T. A.1,Semenova I. N.2,Khasanova R. F.2,Biktimerova G. Ya.2,Rafikova Yu. S.2,Ilbulova G. R.2


1. Saint-Petersburg State University

2. Institute of Regional research


Dumps of quarries for the extraction of copper pyrite in Urals region of the Bashkortostan Republic are the problem object, which represents a main technogenic source of environmental pollution. Soils of Sibaisky quarry dumps are characterized by the elevated content of heavy metals relatively to maximum permissible concentrations and regional geochemical background. In sanitary hygienic evaluation of the pollution by studied technosols according to the total pollution index (Zc) it was revealed that according to the content of total forms studied technosols are referred to moderately hazard, while in regards of the same index concerning the content of the mobile forms technosols are referred to the category of hazardous. In this regard, in plant products grown in the area adjacent to the dumps, there was revealed an excess on cadmium. The biological activity of soils is very low, due to the low microbial community development. Soil formation in the dumps is almost not expressed, appearing in the formation of low-thick underdeveloped humus horizon with a little diversity of species and projective cover. Sanitary-hygienic situation in conditions in the quarry dump area is unfavorable, that does not allow newly formed soils to carry out environmental functions effectively


Federal Scientific Center for Hygiene F.F.Erisman


Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health,Pollution,General Medicine

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