From the history of vaccine prevention: vaccination against smallpox


Mikirtichan Galina L.1


1. Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University


In the article there is considered the history of vaccination against smallpox, first variolation, and then vaccination after its discovery in 1796 by E. Jenner. Until the XVIII century the inoculation method for the protection from smallpox has long been practiced in traditional medicine in several countries, as well as in certain regions of Russia, it differed in the local character, andfailed to arouse widespread. Gradually, in the XVIII century. variolation as a method of protection against smallpox becomes a common heritage and extends from Western Europe to Russia. One of the brakes ofthe introduction and development of not only the inoculation, but in later, and vaccinations there was the existence ofprejudices against the smallpox vaccination, in Russian society, as in other countries. There are presented data on the first inoculation experiments that prepared the important event - the inoculation of smallpox of the Empress Catherine the Great (1768). Her example promoted the spread of smallpox vaccination in 1770-80-ies, and by the number of vaccinated cases Russia not only caught up with the European countries, but also had been ahead of them. Smallpox variolation was performed in special ‘smallpox’ houses, orphanages, and educational institution (training school at the Academy of Arts, Cadet Corps, the Smolny Institute). There were inoculated mostly babies, from the first year of life. At the same time, in many countries where variolation has got spread, there were cases of the development of severe forms of smallpox, and even occurrence of epidemics, which contributed to the beginning of the experiments on the verification of the observation, existed from immemorial time, that people who had been recovered from cowpox, do not sufferedfrom the natural form. There is considered the activity of the English doctor E. Jenner, who focused its efforts on research and development of a more secure method ofprotection against smallpox - vaccination. There was shown the role of existing childcare facilities, including educational buildings, which there was worked out a technique of smallpox vaccination in children, because they were the group most exposed to the disease. Thanks to this discovery in the XX century smallpox was the first disease which humanity has managed to defeat by vaccination.


National Medical Research Center for Childrens Health

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