Lashko I. S,Tsarev V. N,Olesov E. E,Mirgazizov M. Z,Glazkova E. V,Olesova Valentina Nikolaevna
Means of antiseptic effects on the microflora of the oral cavity in the treatment of periodontitis are constantly being improved in connection with the non-guaranteed treatment results and the polyetiology of the disease. A microbiological study was conducted to substantiate the antimicrobial effect of the drug Krezacin denta of different concentrations in relation to a number of periodontopathogens and fungi of the genus Candida. The active substances of Krezacin dent are Krezacin 3% or 5% and metronidazole. The study was conducted in a bioreactor with automatic determination of the optical density of the culture of periodontopathogens in the presence of drugs. An identical study was conducted using the drug Metrogil dent. It was found that Metrogil denta has practically no effect on the culture of Candida albicans, while Krezacin denta inhibits the growth of Candida albicans at a concentration of 0.5% and 1.5% by 13.6%, and in more pronounced concentrations - up to 26, 6% Regarding S.aureus, Metrogil denta reduces the optical density of the culture of the indicated periodontopathogen by 34.7%, Krezacin denta by 49.8% at a concentration of 5.0%. S. Constellatus decreased its concentration in the presence of Metrogyl dent by 12.4%, while in the presence of Krezacin dent by 30.9%, starting from a concentration of 3%. Thus, we can state a more pronounced antimicrobial effect of Krezacin dent in comparison with Metrogil dent.
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