Areas for Improvement of the Hotel Management Efficiency in Ukraine through the Implementation of Communication Policy
Rybakova Svitlana S.1, Myronov Denys A.1, Rogova Nataliya V.1
1. Poltava University of Economics and Trade
The study investigates the essence of the communication policy of the hotel industry, the specific features of the use of advertising and ways to increase its efficiency in modern conditions. The purpose of the study is to consider ways to improve the management of the hotel industry in Ukraine. The research methodology is based on such general scientific research methods as analysis and synthesis, systematisation, and generalisation. The main goals of enterprise management through communication policy are defined, which include improvement of consumer relations between consumers during the process of information exchange; ensuring effective exchange between subjects and objects of management; creation of information flows for the exchange of information between individual employees, groups of its coordination of their tasks and actions; regulation and rationalisation of information flows. The study substantiated that the communication aspects of the functioning of the hotel enterprises are insufficiently adapted for the management of the enterprise. The concept of “communication policy” was considered, as well as the structure of advertising and communication tools to promote hotel services. The study presents the goals of the communication policy of effective management of the hotel industry of Ukraine, as well as analyses the electronic pages of a number of hotel enterprises of Ukraine. This study can be used to research and improve the management system in the hotel industry. The results of the study can be used by scientists for further research, as well as managers working in the hotel business in order to improve the work process and increase the level of their knowledge
Mukachevo State University
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