Wykształcenie wyższe jako istotny element kompetencji w zatrudnieniu pracowników w sektorze zaawansowanych technologii (high tech) w gospodarce 4.0


Grześ AnnaORCID,


Purpose – Identifying changes in the volume of persons with tertiary education employed in science and technology, examining the relationship between tertiary education and employment in the high tech sector and its industries in the era of economy 4.0. Research method – Comparative analysis of statistical data, selected measures of descriptive statistics and Pearson’s r correlation method. Results – The research confirmed that the specificity of the industry determines the type of skills, and thus the level of education and the type of specialization of employees. Employment of workers with tertiary education grew faster than the total employment in the HT sector. People with tertiary education and employed in science and technology, as well as scientists and engineers were employed more often than people only with tertiary education. Originality / value / implications / recommendations – Despite the differing positions of researchers and practitioners, statistics indicate that tertiary education is still an important component of the competences of employees hired in the HT sector. Economy 4.0 requires highly skilled workers. It is essential to ensure a high level of educational quality and build stronger cooperation between science and business, so that educational offer is better suited to the needs of the labour market and reduces the problem of educational mismatch.


University of Bialystok


General Medicine

Reference30 articles.

1. A Future that Works: Automation, Employment and Productivity, 2017, McKinsey Global Institute, San Francisco.

2. Alvesson M., 2009, Knowledge Work and Knowledge-Intensive Firms, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

3. Boston Consulting Group, 2015, Industry 4.0: The Future of Productivity and Growth in Manufacturing Industries, https://web-assets.bcg.com/img-src/Industry_40_Future_of_Productivity_April_2015_tcm9-61694.pdf [data dostępu: 5.07.2023].

4. Boyatzis R.E., 2008, Competencies in The 21st Century, "Journal of Management Development", Vol. 27(1), pp. 5-12, DOI: 10.1108/02621710810840730.

5. Filipowicz G., 2019, Zarządzanie kompetencjami. Perspektywa firmowa i osobista, wyd. III, Wolters Kluwer, Warszawa.








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