1. Bauman Moscow State Technical University
The paper proposes new kinematic methods in shaping external and internal buttress thread by milling with a single-disk tool according to the scheme with crossing axes of the thread and the general position tool using two angles of its rotation. The range of the thrust threads standard sizes was established, which implied technological possibility of milling using the proposed kinematic methods with one tool standard size. Accuracy of the buttress thread according to GOST 10177-82 was studied on the basis of geometric simulation of shaping kinematics, and values of the maximum geometric error and the error in the average diameter were determined depending on the tool rotation angles and geometric parameters. For the accepted standard sizes of the buttress threads, values of rotation angles of the thread cutter rotation axis and parameters of its working part were found, which makes it possible to shape the thread with a degree of accuracy corresponding to GOST 25096–82.
Bauman Moscow State Technical University