1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education — Tambov State Technical University
The article describes the experimental studies carried out to determine the impact factors of high-temperature chemical activation on the structural material of a laboratory reactor made of steel 09G2S. The impacts were diagnosed using metallographic microscopy, as well as X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy by potassium content. The presence of local corrosion was found over the entire outer surface of the reactor to a depth of 0.15 mm, presumably caused by hydrogen and carbonyl corrosion, but there was no corrosion on the inner surface. Besides, saturation of the surface layer with potassium to a depth of more than 0.34 mm due to diffusion and corrosion processes was observed outside and inside the reactor. Technological and constructive measures are proposed to reduce the impact factors of the chemical activation process on the structural material.
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
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2 articles.