Analysis of the Factors Affecting the Instrumentation of the Technological Process of the Activated Carbon Material Production


Popova A.A.1,Shubin I.N.1


1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education — Tambov State Technical University


The article discusses significance of the development of activated carbon materials with a high specific surface area and high porosity. The features of the course of chemical activation and the factors influencing the characteristics of the obtained material have been established. The main stages of the activation of the carbon material, including the preliminary raw carbon material carbonization, its alkaline activation, and the post-processing of the created material, have been determined. The mutual influence of temperature and flow rate of an inert gas on the characteristics of a carbon material obtained with a BET specific surface in the range of 2550–2700 m2/g is experimentally investigated. The analysis of the obtained results has been carried out. Recommendations are given for reducing ambiguity and uncertainty during the transition from laboratory research to pilot production. The resulting activated carbon material can be used as a sorbent in gas purification systems, gas accumulators and for solving various environmental problems.


Bauman Moscow State Technical University


General Engineering

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