1. School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment, Queensland University of Technology, 2 George Street, Brisbane QLD 4000, Australia
2. Department of Building and Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China
The design-build (DB) system has been demonstrated as an effective delivery method and has gained popularity worldwide. However it is observed that a number of operational variations of DB system have emerged since the last decade to cater for different client's requirements. After the client decides to procure his project through the DB system, he still has to choose an appropriate configuration to deliver their projects optimally. However, there is little research on the selection of DB operational variations. One of the main reasons for this is the lack of evaluation criteria for determining the appropriateness of each operational variation. To obtain such criteria, a three-round Delphi survey has been conducted with 20 construction experts in the People's Republic of China (PRC). Seven top selection criteria were identified. These are: (1) availability of competent design-builders; (2) client's capabilities; (3) project complexity; (4) client's control of project; (5) early commencement & short duration; (6) reduced responsibility or involvement; and (7) clearly defined end user's requirements. These selection criteria were found to have a statistically significant agreement. These findings may furnish various stakeholders, DB clients in particular, with better insight to understand and compare the different operational variations of the DB system. Santrauka Įrodyta, kad projektavimo ir statybos (P ir S) sistema – veiksmingas vykdymo metodas, tad ji išpopuliarėjo visame pasaulyje. Tačiau pastebėta, kad per pastarąjį dešimtmetį atsirado ne vienas darbinis P ir S sistemos variantas, tenkinantis skirtingus kliento poreikius. Klientui nutarus projekto paslaugas pirkti naudojant P ir S sistemą, jam vis tiek tenka pačiam pasirinkti tinkamą derinį, idant projektas vyktų optimaliai. Tačiau darbinių P ir S variantų pasirinkimas beveik nebuvo tyrinėtas. Viena pagrindinių priežasčių – trūksta vertinimo kriterijų, kurie leistų nustatyti kiekvieno darbinio varianto tinkamumą. Siekiant nustatyti tokius kriterijus, atliekant Delphi apklausą trimis etapais buvo apklausta 20 statybos ekspertų iš Kinijos Liaudies Respublikos (KLR). Nustatyti septyni svarbiausi atrankos kriterijai: 1) kompetentingų projektuotojų statytojų pasiūla; 2) kliento pajėgumai; 3) projekto sudėtingumas; 4) kiek klientas kontroliuoja projektą; 5) ankstyva pradžia ir nedidelė trukmė; 6) mažesnė atsakomybė arba dalyvavimas; 7) aiškiai nusakyti galutinio kliento reikalavimai. Nustatyta, kad susitarimas dėl šių atrankos kriterijų yra statistiškai reikšmingas. Įvairioms suinteresuotosioms grupėms, o ypač P ir S klientams, šios išvados gali padėti geriau suprasti įvairius darbinius P ir S sistemos variantus ir juos palyginti.
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Strategy and Management,Civil and Structural Engineering
Reference64 articles.
1. Adler , M. ; Ziglio , E. 1996 .Gazing into the oracle: The Delphi method and its application to social policy and public health. London : Jessica Kingsley Publisher . 252 p.
2. Adnan , H. ; Morledge , R. 2003 . Application of Delphi method on critical success factors in joint venture projects in the Malaysian construction industry , in Egbu C. , Tong M. 1st Scottish Conference for Postgraduate Researchers of the Built and Natural Environment , 17–19 November , 2003 , Glasgow, Scotland, UK . Glasgow Caledonian University , 41 – 49 .
3. Design and build: a survey of construction contractors’ views
4. Analysis of factors influencing project cost estimating practice
5. Project Procurement System Selection Model
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24 articles.