1. P.C.W. Davies, The Eerie Silence: Searching For Ourselves in the Universe (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2011)
2. S. Webb, If the Universe Is Teeming with Aliens Where Is Everybody?: Seventy-Five Solutions to the Fermi Paradox and the Problem of Extraterrestrial Life (Springer, 2015)
3. R. Penrose, Cycles of Time: An Extraordinary New View of the Universe (Bodley Head, London, 2010)
4. R. Penrose, Before the big bang: an outrageous new perspective and its implications for particle physics, in EPAC 2006 - Proceedings, Edinburgh, Scotland, edition by C.R. Prior (European Physical Society Accelerator Group, EPS-AG, 2006) pp. 2759-62
5. V.G. Gurzadyan, R. Penrose, Eur. Phys. J. Plus 128, 22 (2013)