Extruded starter compound feeds for clarid catfish


Sidorova Valentina Ivanovna1,Asylbekova Saule Zhangirovna2,Yеnvareva Nadezhda Ivanovna1,Koyshibaeva Saya Kashkinbayevna2,Badryzlova Nina Sergeevna2,Mukhramova Alyona Aleksandrovna3,Shutkarayev Azis Vasilyevich4


1. Kazakh Research Institute of Processing and Food Industry

2. Fisheries Research and Production Center

3. Kazakh National Agrarian University

4. Fisheries Research and Production Center, Northern branch


Industrial fish-breeding is a promising trend for freshwater aquaculture development. The production of clarid catfish in Kazakhstan has advantages over traditionally grown fish species (trout, sturgeon) due to their valuable edible qualities. Clarid catfish grows very quickly even at high seeding densities, is undemanding to the environment, resistant to diseases, and effectively assimilates food. When growing clarid catfish in water recycling systems it is possible to refuse using oxygen equipment, because the fish species can use atmospheric air for breathing. As a result, the construction of such plants can save up to 40% of capital investments. In the course of the research, the physiological nutritional requirements of clarid catfish juveniles were established. Based on the data obtained there have been developed two extruded starter compound feed recipes for clarid catfish juveniles containing protein/fat 53.5 : 11.4 and 61.85 : 5.82 and energy exchange energy value varying within 16.46 - 17.12 MJ/kg. There have been conducted the production tests on assessing the efficiency of the developed compound feed and their intake by larvae and clarid catfish fry in the fish farms of “Kapshagayskoye NVH-1973”, LLP and “HalykBalyk”, LLP. The feed Aller Agua (Denmark) served as a control feed for comparing the nutritional and consumer qualities of the developed feed for trout. The determined feeding ratio of the developed feed did not exceed 0.93 units, it was insignificantly inferior to the import feed. The fry survival rate made 76% when using both the control and developed feed. The compound feeds for clarid catfish juveniles were developed by extruding, which allowed to obtain increased digestibility, water resistance and extended storage life. Introducing these feeds into the fish breeding practice will help to increase the efficiency of clarid catfish fry growth and expand opportunities of aquaculture facilities.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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