Closed supply chains formation problems in a cyclical economy


Bukrinskaya Elvira Mansurovna1,Lipatova Olga Nikolaevna1


1. Saint-Petersburg State Economic University


Possible directions of using “green” technologies in the economy have been identified. The influence of logistics on these areas of activity has been studied, logistics has been identified as a driver for the introduction of “green” technologies. The transformation of supply chains into a closed form is considered. In most cases, the sustainability of the supply chain is associated solely with reducing the environmental burden, which is why other factors affecting the supply chain remain outside the scope of research. It is concluded that there is a need for an integrated approach to the definition of sustainable supply chains and the study of all factors that have a disturbing effect. Modern economic conditions require a change in the level of assessment of sustainability criteria with a shift in focus to logistics operations. The features of the Sberbank's methodology are considered. The company was created on the basis of international standards. A study of communication barriers in supply chains has been conducted. Barriers at the level of organizational and interpersonal communications are identified. One of the reasons for the emergence of communication barriers has been identified. The stages of the communication process are listed, and another specific conditional stage is highlighted – noise, which is difficult to control and fix. It is noted that communication barriers cause loss and distortion of information in the form of dispersion and substitution. Conclusions are drawn about the need to create a unified information space where an effective communication system within the supply chain will be one of the factors of chain stability.


Astrakhan State Technical University


Marketing,Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management,Strategy and Management,Drug Discovery,Pharmaceutical Science,Pharmacology

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