
Asanov Alik Yusupovich1,Nosov Aleksey1


1. Penza State Agrarian University


The article considers the results of comprehensive fisheries research held in 2009–2015 in the Sura River, the main water body of the Republic of Mordovia. The Sura River ranks the second place after the Moksha River. Forage base studies have shown the underutilization of zoobenthos and phytoplankton. According to the average indicators of the feed base over the above period, the production capacities of the river were calculated, and made about 113.5 tons, or 141.9 kg / ha. Of these, the native ichthyofauna (zooplankton, zoobenthos) effectively use 71.0 kg / ha. The total number of fish aged 3+ years with mass more than 10 g in the Sura within the borders of Mordovia is estimated at 1028.8 thousand species; ichthyomass is 39.1 t or 49 kg / ha. At the same time, the proportion of juveniles aged 0–2 +, as well as small fish species whose biomass is estimated at 81 kg / ha, is big. The increase in fish production was calculated and the total catch quotas were determined, according to the most valuable commercial species in the ichthyofauna - roach. Within the borders of Mordovia they make up to 16 tons, in the Middle Sura - up to 40 tons. When carrying out fish reproductive and conservation measures the stocks of aquatic biological resources in the river can increase by 2–3 times due to valuable large fish species, and the catch - from 20 kg / ha to 40-60 kg / ha


Astrakhan State Technical University

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1. Aquatic bioresources of artificial water bodies in Republic of Mordovia (case of Turgenev Reservoir);Vestnik of Astrakhan State Technical University. Series: Fishing industry;2021-12-30








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