Aquatic bioresources of artificial water bodies in Republic of Mordovia (case of Turgenev Reservoir)


Asanov Alik Yusupovich1,Nosov Aleksey1


1. Penza State Agrarian University


On the territory of the Republic of Mordovia there are found more than 220 multi-purpose ponds and water reservoirs built on the watercourses. The Turgenev Reservoir on the Alatyr River is a typical channel artificial reservoir. The results of comprehensive fisheries research for the period of 2009–2015 are presented. Analysis of the fod der base showed a significant underutilization of zoobenthos and phytoplankton. Using the average indicators of the fodder base over the above period, the production capacity of the reservoir fodder base was calculated, which amounted to 39.69 tons or 405 kg/ha. According to the results of research fishing with fry seine, the ichthyomass of small fish species and juveniles under the age of two years is estimated by years at the level of 8 tons or 73–91 kg/ha. According to the results of net catches, the ichthyomass of the commercial fish fauna is at the level of 6.3 t or 64 kg/ha; the total ichthyomass is 146 kg/ha. The possible catch of mainly small fish in the Turgenev Reservoir can make 5–7 tons, and in total in the Republic of Mordovia in the multi-purpose water reservoirs - about 260 tons. Due to the reconstruction of ichthyofauna at the expense of a free food base, reproduction, fish- and water protecting measures the catches of marketable fish in ponds and water bodies of Mordovia can reach 1000 tons. The artificial reservoirs of the republic have a significant regulated potential of the aquatic biological resources for the low-water regions of Central Russia both providing the population with freshwater fish and creating the conditions for active and useful recreation on the territory near the water reservoirs: developing facilities for sport and amateur fishing and tourism.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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