
Olkhovik Evgeniy Olegovich1,Andreeva Ekaterina Valerievna1,Tezikov Aleksandr Lvovich1


1. Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping


The article focuses on the processes of forming the shipping routes in the waters of the Northern Sea Route when passing from the summer navigation period to the winter navigation period. The main indicators characterizing the volume of freight carried out along the routes of the Northern Sea Route in 2018 are presented. There has been stated the change in the structure of the Arctic fleet and an increase in the share of large-tonnage vessels operating in the Kara Sea in the year-round navigation mode. The comparative data of monitoring the movement parameters of LNG-tankers (YamalMax type) obtained in January, March and September 2018 are given. The causes of changes in the trajectory of ships when sailing in ice have been revealed and analyzed. The results of the analytical review of works that are devoted to the study of the influence of the ice parameters on maneuverability of the vessels and the development of methods for finding the best routes along the Northern Sea Route are shown. To carry out studies of the ship speed, the tools of geo-information systems in geo-spatial formulation were use. The analytical model of the vessel navigation through the ice between two fixed points has been proposed. The main criteria for comparing shipping routes have been defined. The results of the comparative quantitative estimates of the vessel routes are given. Recommendations on using the results obtained in the theory and practice of Arctic shipping are given. The studies are carried out as part of an initiative project to develop a theory of sea transport flows in the Northern Sea Route water area, implemented at the Arctic Faculty of the Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping. The results of this paper can be use when searching for the best routes for navigation in the ice conditions, when planning hydrographic works and developing a promising network of shipping routes in the Arctic seas.


Astrakhan State Technical University

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