Modification of design of small experimental tank for complex tests of outboard motors


Pokusaev Mikhail Nikolaevich1,Khmelnitsky Konstantin Evgenievich1,Khmelnitskaya Anastasia Aleksandrovna1,Rudenko Mikhail Fedorovich1,Kadin Alexei Alekseevich1,Klochkova Galina Gennadievna2


1. Astrakhan State Technical University

2. Astrakhan State Technical University


When studying the characteristics of the outboard motors with capacity of more than 10 kW weighing over 100 kg at full equipment, the Department of Water Transport Operation of Astrakhan State Technical University needed to change the design of a small experimental tank. Previously, the small experimental tank was adapted for testing outboard motors with capacity not exceeding 8 l/s - 6 kW and weight up to 25 kg having such technical indicators as the screw stop, the developed power of the outboard motor, tank water temperature, exhaust gas temperature, fuel consumption, rate of heating the aquatic environment during the engine operation, the number of revolutions of the engine crankshaft, the number of revolutions of the screw, with possibility of environmental studies of noise levels, vibration levels, as well as harmful discharges and exhaust emissions of outboard motors by sampling water and gases. In addition to sensors and devices designed to measure technical and environmental indicators, the small experimental tank was previously equipped with an auxiliary equipment: supply and exhaust ventilation, a water level gauge in a basin tank, a steam compressor refrigeration unit, a water supply and drainage system with sampling fittings, a gas sampling probe, a rotary rod for installing a noise meter, a platform with steps, general and local lighting fixtures. There has been illustrated a layout of an experimental tank covered with heat-insulating paint from the outside. In the course of changing the structure there was installed a lifting boom and an external transom. The tank bowl was upgraded by installing a bypass pipe. The described technical solutions have expanded the possibilities of the small experimental tank in conducting the research on outboard motors.


Astrakhan State Technical University


Rehabilitation,Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation,General Medicine

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1. Water supply to the intake manifold of an pendent four-stroke outboard motor;Vestnik of Astrakhan State Technical University. Series: Marine engineering and technologies;2023-11-27







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