Analysis of harmful discharges into hydrosphere from Yanmar D27 diesel outboard motor


Pokusaev Mikhail Nikolaevich1,Khmelnitskaya Anastasia Aleksandrovna1,Khmelnitsky Konstantin Evgenievich1,Gorbachev Maxim Michailovich1,Ilyina Elena Georgievna1


1. Astrakhan State Technical University


The article considers the necessity of studying the atmosphere and hydrosphere pollution due to the operation of marine transport engines and the introduction of relevant regulatory documents in the Russian Federation is substantiated. Today the problems of harmful emissions into the environment are considered haphazardly, there are few foreign authors studying the problem. Since 2016, the environmental characteristics of outboard motors in laboratory and scientific conditions have been studied at the Department of Water Transport Operation at the Astrakhan State Technical University. The results of practical measurements of harmful discharges into the hydrosphere from the Yanmar D2 outboard motor are presented. General characteristics of the Yanmar D2 engine are listed (rated power, rated speed, number of cylinders, fuel used, etc.), the general view of the outboard motor is illustrated. A detailed description of the laboratory equipment is given and the technical characteristics of control and measuring instruments (concentrator KN-3 and spectrophotometer PE-5400VI) are listed. It is pointed out that the small experimental pool of the laboratory has patents for a utility model; a schematic diagram of the pool is given. New data on discharges of film and dissolved petroleum products, phosphate ions and total phosphorus into the hydrosphere have been obtained, empirical formulas for calculating the expected level of discharges from a diesel outboard motor depending on its operation time have been developed.


Astrakhan State Technical University


Rehabilitation,Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation,General Medicine

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1. Modification of design of small experimental tank for complex tests of outboard motors;Vestnik of Astrakhan State Technical University. Series: Marine engineering and technologies;2022-11-30







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