Innovation for Social Transformation: E-Marking Challenges Faced by Students. A Case Study of Zimbabwe Open University


Ngara RosemaryORCID,Ngara Meggie M.


There are several objectives of the Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) quality management system among which are to provide quality teaching and learning. In line with this objective, Zimbabwe Open University has implanted ICT in teaching and learning processes. For the purpose of speeding up the delivery of ICT linked support services, in its 2017 Strategic Plan, ZOU proposed that Masters students submit assignments online and this innovation was soon adopted for all students at all levels of learning in all programmes in the second semester of 2017.The innovation, although in line with developments in the new information age, seemed to present challenges to students in terms of assignment submission and marking. A case study involving students in the teacher development department at the Zimbabwe Open University Midlands campus was conducted to determine the forms of challenges students faced with the introduction of e-marking of assignments. Data were generated via an open –ended questionnaire and interviews with individual students. Findings showed that students residing or working in urban areas delighted in the easiness of submission and receipt of assignment feedback while limited internet connectedness, lack of personal smart phones, uncommunicative marking by lecturers and student technological phobia were some challenges participants perceived in the introduction of e-marking of assignments. Among other things, the study recommends that Zimbabwe Open University should address the problem of student tradition in not moving with technological change by making it compulsory for students to study components of ICT which can help them demystify difficulties in using ICT and that the government of Zimbabwe needs to be more committed to the use of ICT in rural areas.


AMO Publisher

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