The Effect Of Authentic Learning Practices On To The Mental Structures Conceptual Change And Of Attitudes Of Students In Life Science Course


Özyılmaz Medine1ORCID,Gürdoğan Bayır Ömür2ORCID





In this study, it is aimed to determine the effect of authentic learning practices in Life Science lesson on the conceptual change of students and their attitudes towards the course. The research was modelled with a semi-experimental design with pre-test post-test control group using quantitative methods. The research was carried out with the students of two different 3rd grade branches studying in a primary school located in the center of İnegöl District of Bursa Province in the 2022-2023 academic year. In the study, data were collected through the Personal Information Form, Word Association Test and Attitude Scale Towards Life Science Lesson. The results of the Word Association Test, which was applied to reveal the conceptual change in the mental structures of the students in authentic learning environments, were analyzed by content analysis. The data obtained in the Word Association Test were converted into concept network maps using the Breakpoint technique. In the study, t-test, which is one of the parametric tests, was used to analyze the data obtained from the attitude scale. In the research, conclusions were reached about the effect on the conceptual change of the students and their attitudes towards the course. In this context, it has been revealed that authentic learning practices carried out in the Life Science lesson improve the mental structure of the students, have a positive effect on concept change and contribute to meaningful learning. It was concluded that the authentic learning environments and activities applied positively improved the attitudes of the students towards the Life Studies lesson.


Cukurova University Faculty of Education Journal

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