1. I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Moscow, Russia
2. Medical Unit of the Russian Federation Ministry of Internal Affairs in Tambov Oblast, Tambov, Russia
3. Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Russia
4. A.A. Kadyrov Chechen State University, Grozny, Russia
5. Archbishop Luka City Clinical Hospital, Tambov, Russia
Taking into account gender- and age-related features, to examine the structure of comorbidity in outpatients with essential hypertension residing in the city of Tambov. Material and Methods — This research was an observational cross-sectional study based on data extracted from 47,113 electronic medical records (EMRs) of patients 20-99 years of age residing in Tambov. The study included 29,282 (62.2%) women and 17831 (37.8%) men. Results — Essential hypertension is habitually associated with osteochondrosis (41.5% of patients with hypertension), cerebrovascular diseases (35.1%), arthrosis (28.3%), ischemic heart disease (IHD) (28.7%), menopausal disorders (17.5%), pancreatic diseases (15.4%), diabetes mellitus (14.7%), benign mammary dysplasia (14.2%), retinal diseases (12.9%), disorders of lipoprotein metabolism (12.4%), senile cataract (10.6%), gastritis and duodenitis (10.7%), varicose veins (10.1%), and thyroid diseases (10.0%). IHD is more common among men with hypertension, while other comorbidities are more characteristic for women. The most striking gender-related difference was associated with the finding that women with hypertension had varicose veins as a comorbidity (RR=1.398; 95% CI 1.376-1.422), while the smallest difference between genders related to retinal diseases (RR=1.065; 95% CI 1.038-1.092). IHD was strongly associated with the male gender (RR=1.101; 95% CI 1.056-1.148). Three diseases were more often associated with hypertension in the age range of 80-89 years (cerebrovascular disease, IHD, osteochondrosis); some of the diseases had the highest incidence in the age range of 60-69 years, and other disorders occurred in the age range of 40-59 years. Conclusion — The gender- and age-related features of comorbid pathology associated with essential hypertension among urban residents revealed in this study are extremely important in the clinical practice of a local general practitioner for developing optimal patient-oriented treatment plans.
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