The prevalence of diabetes mellitus in population of hypertensive patients according to ESSE RF study results


Zhernakova Yu V,Chazova I E,Oshchepkova E V,Shalnova S A,Konradi A O,Rotar O P,Yarovaya E B,Shlyahto E V,Boitsov S A


The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is progressively increasing nowadays, as well as of other diseases associated with obesity. Though the detectability of new DM cases is still low. The present study deals with type 2 DM prevalence assessment in Russian population and in hypertensive patients. Objective. To assess type 2 DM prevalence, including undiagnosed DM, in general population and in population of hypertensive patients according to ESSE RF (Cardiovascular disease epidemiology in Russian Federation regions) study results. Materials and methods. A random population sampling of men and women aged 25-64 years in 10 cities in Russia (n=16 936) was performed. Results. The prevalence of DM accounted for 5.2%, newly diagnosed (undiagnosed) DM was found in 3.5% respondents. Among hypertensive patients the prevalence of DM was higher and accounted for 8.6%. In 5.2% of the respondents the fasting glucose level was higher than 7 mmol/L with no DM in past medical history. The prevalence of DM in general population accounted for 8.6% and in hypertensive patients - 13.8%.


LLC Obyedinennaya Redaktsiya

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