Estimation of winter bread wheat varieties in the inter-station testing according to economically valuable traits


Ivanisov М. М.1ORCID,Marchenko D. М.1ORCID,Nekrasov Е. I.1ORCID


1. Agricultural Research Center “Donskoy”


The purpose of the current study was to identify sources of economically valuable traits and properties of winter bread wheat for their purposeful introduction in breeding programs. The study was carried out in the inter-station testing in 2019–2021. The objects of the study were 66 winter bread wheat varieties of various ecological and geographical origin sown after maize for grain. Weather and climatic conditions during the years of the study were quite diverse, which made it possible to identify the most valuable varieties for their further introduction in breeding programs. There have been identified the following varieties which showed high frost resistance (75.1-89.5%), namely ‘Nasyp’ with 77.6% (RCG named after P.P. Lukyanenko), ‘Kapitan’ with 75.1%, ‘Volny Don’ with 75.2%, ‘Aksinya’ with 76.7%, ‘Izyuminka’ with 77.8%, ‘Ermak’ with 77.9%, ‘Zhavoronok’ with 79.6%, ‘Etyud’ with 80.1%, ‘Donskaya Step’ with 81.3%, ‘Asket’ with 89.5% (ARC “Donskoy”). According to early maturation, there have been identified three genotypes ‘Stanichnaya’, ‘Zhavoronok’ and ‘Etyud’ (ARC “Donskoy”), which formed heads on May 11–12. The height of the studied varieties varied from 66 to 96 cm, there have been identified such 5 sources of short stems with the indicator from 66 to 74 cm as ‘SO 911’ (France), ‘Grom’, ‘Rossyp’, ‘Gomer’, ‘Irda’ (RCG named after P.P. Lukyanenko). There has been determined a number of large-grain varieties from various research institutions, such as ‘Aksiniya’ (42.0 g), ‘Volnitsa’ (43.2 g), ‘Donskaya Step’ (43.5 g), ‘Etyud’ (44.7 g) (ARC “Donskoy”), ‘Barier’ (42.4 g) (NCFRAC), ‘Donmira’ (42.6 g) (FARC), ‘Iliada’ (43.0 g) (RCG named after P.P. Lukyanenko). According to productivity, the best varieties in 2019–2021 were ‘Donskaya step’ (7.64 t/ha), ‘Lilit’ (7.74 t/ha) (ARC “Donskoy”), ‘Gomer’ (7.73 t/ha), ‘Laureat’ (8.34 t/ha) (RCG named after P.P. Lukyanenko), ‘Armada’ (7.70 t/ha) (NCFRAC), ‘Donmira’ (7.72 t/ha) (FARC), ‘Chornyava’ (7.75 t/ha) (Ukraine). All identified sources can be used as useful initial material in the programs of winter bread wheat breeding.


FSBSI Agricultural Research Center Donskoy

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