1. Federal Agricultural Research Center of South-East
The current paper has presented the study results of collection winter bread wheat samples. The purpose of the study was to screen the world collection of winter bread wheat for disease resistance in the Nizhnevolzhsky region. The study was carried out on the basis of the FSBSI “Federal Agricultural Research Center of the South-East” (Saratov). In 2017–2021 there was conducted an estimation of the resistance of 152 winter bread wheat samples to the main pathogens. The samples were sown at the optimal time with the SSFC-8 seeder on plots of 3 m2 in a single repetition. The seeding rate was 450 germinating seeds per m2 . There have been studied the world collection varietal samples of winter bread wheat VIR (from breeding centers of the USA, Canada, Ukraine, Slovakia, Latvia, Hungary, etc.), as well as the samples of domestic breeding (FANC of the South-East, NTsZ named after P.P. Lukyanenko, Severokavkazsky FNATS, etc.). There have been identified the most harmful leaf-stem diseases, such as brown rust (Puccinia triticina Erikss.) and stem rust (Puccinia graminis f. sp. Tritici), septoria (Septoria tritici Rob. et Desm.) and yellow leaf blotch (Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (Died) Drechsler). There has been characterized the resistance of the winter bread wheat collection to the complex of leaf-stem diseases. There have been identified two samples with group resistance to brown and stem rusts, septoria and pyrenophorosis; one sample resistant to leaf rust and stem rust; three samples resistant to stem rust and septoria; one sample resistant to leaf and stem rust and septoria; six samples resistant to septoria and pyrenophorosis.
FSBSI Agricultural Research Center Donskoy
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3 articles.