The study results of biochemical properties of naked oats and physical properties of the dough mixtures with wheat flour


Shabolkina Е. N.1ORCID,Shevchenko S. N.1ORCID,Anisimkina N. V.1ORCID


1. Samarsky Research Institute of Agriculture named after N.M. Tulaykov, a branch of the Samarsky Federal Research Center RAS


Adding oat products to composite mixtures during baking increases the biological value of a new product. The purpose of the current study was to assess the biochemical properties of grain of the naked oat varieties ‘Baget’ and ‘Bekas’, to establish the rheological parameters of dough mixtures obtained by mixing white oat flour and whole grain flour with high-quality wheat flour according to the farinographic analysis. The introduction of oat products into the mixture affects the structural and mechanical indicators of the dough and can improve or worsen the quality indicators of bakery products. It is the decoding of the diagrams (Brabender farinograph, Chopin alveograph, etc.) that satisfy the questions related to the study of dough, with the characteristics of the physical properties of dough. There has been established a high nutritional grain value of the naked oat varieties (whole grain and white flour), when the protein percentage was on 5.3–7.6% more than in wheat flour and oil content was almost 6–5 times higher, which indicated great opportunities for using this grain crop in bakery. The study of the rheological parameters of dough showed that in composite mixtures the type of ingredients (whole grain flour, white flour) and the proportion of naked oats products (10, 20, 30%) differently affect the physical properties of dough, i.e. in relation to premium wheat flour, dilution of dough increases on 40–140 u.f., resistance of dough to extension (stability) reduces on 2.5–6.0 min and valorigraphic number reduces on 10–36 u.v. When mixing with white oat flour compared to whole grain, the physical properties of the dough are characterized by the best indicators, however, the introduction of whole-ground oat flour in the mixture retains all the benefits of oat grain. There were no significant differences between the naked oat varieties ‘Baget’ and ‘Bekas’ in the effect on the rheological parameters of the dough. When using oat flour in mixtures, there was identified a tendency to deterioration of the physical properties of dough, the differences were significant in terms of the resistance of dough to extension (stability) and valorigraphic number.


FSBSI Agricultural Research Center Donskoy

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