1. Acari, Paula. Making Sense of “Food” Animals: A Critical Exploration of the Persistence of “Meat.” Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
2. Adams, Carol J. The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory. 20th Anniversary Edition, Bloomsbury Academic, 2010.
3. Aldes Wurgaft, Benjamin. Meat Planet: Artificial Flesh and the Future of Food. U of California P, 2019.
4. Alkon, Paul. “Cannibalism in Science Fiction.” Foods of the Gods: Eating and the Eaten in Fantasy and Science Fiction, edited by Gary Westfahl and George Slusser, U of Georgia P, 1996, pp. 142–159.
5. Antiviral, directed by Brandon Cronenberg, Alliance Films, 2012.