Anyonic-parity-time symmetry in complex-coupled lasers


Arwas Geva1ORCID,Gadasi Sagie1ORCID,Gershenzon Igor1,Friesem Asher1ORCID,Davidson Nir1ORCID,Raz Oren1ORCID


1. Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 7610001, Israel.


Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians, and particularly parity-time (PT) and anti-PT symmetric Hamiltonians, play an important role in many branches of physics, from quantum mechanics to optical systems and acoustics. Both the PT and anti-PT symmetries are specific instances of a broader class known as anyonic-PT symmetry, where the Hamiltonian and the PT operator satisfy a generalized commutation relation. Here, we study theoretically these novel symmetries and demonstrate them experimentally in coupled lasers systems. We resort to complex coupling of mixed dispersive and dissipative nature, which allows unprecedented control on the location in parameter space where the symmetry and symmetry breaking occur. Moreover, tuning the coupling in the same physical system allows us to realize the special cases of PT and anti-PT symmetries. In a more general perspective, we present and experimentally validate a new relation between laser synchronization and the symmetry of the underlying non-Hermitian Hamiltonian.


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)



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2. Nonlinear Landau-Zener-Stückelberg-Majorana problem with non-Hermitian models;Physical Review A;2024-01-30

3. Improved phase-locking of laser arrays by pump shaping;Optics Express;2023-07-11

4. Non-Hermitian photonic lattices: tutorial;Journal of the Optical Society of America B;2023-05-04

5. Topological Atomic Spin Wave Lattices by Dissipative Couplings;Physical Review Letters;2023-04-12







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