1. Department of Molecular Membrane Biology, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Max-von-Laue-Straße 3, D-60438 Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
2. Present address: Faculty of Biology and Preclinical Medicine, University of Regensburg, Universitätsstrasse 31, D-93051 Regensburg, Germany.
3. Present address: Department of Molecular Membrane Biology, Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Max-von-Laue-Straße 4, D-60438 Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
4. Department of Biochemistry, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.
5. Department of Bioscience and Bioinformatics, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Kawazu 680-4, Iizuka, Fukuoka-ken 820-8502, Japan.