1. See e.g. C. C. Mann “Secure-Music Group Threatens Researchers Who Plan to Publish on Hacking Success ” Inside Magazine 22 April 2001 available at www.inside.com.
2. The paper was entitled “Reading Between the Lines: Lessons from the SDMI Challenge” and was scheduled for presentation at the Fourth International Information Hiding Workshop in Pittsburgh PA on 26 April 2001. For further details see SDMI challenge FAQ at www.cs.princeton.edu/sip/sdmi/faq.html.
3. A copy of the RIAA letter to Felten asserting that presentation or publication of the researchers' paper would violate the DMCA is available at cryptome.org/sdmi-attack.htm.
4. See e.g.
5. Lemley M. A., Volokh E., Duke Law J. 48, 147 (1999).