1. Matthieu Mahévas is doctor of Internal Medicine in the team of Bertrand Godeau at Henri Mondor Hospital, Tertiary Medical Centre, Créteil, France. He received his medical degree from the University of Créteil’s School of Medicine. He is finishing his PHD in the laboratory of immunology “Devellopement du système immunitaire” headed by Claude-agnés Reynaud and Jean-claude Weill at Necker hospital. His main clinical interest lies in autoimmune cytopenia, particularly immune thrombocytopenia. He works on B...
2. Bertrand Godeau is Professor of Internal Medicine and is the Head of the Internal Medicine Unit at Henri Mondor Hospital, Tertiary Medical Centre, Créteil, France. He received his medical degree from the University of Créteil’s School of Medicine and then worked as a Residency in internal medicine at the Assistance-Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, France. His main clinical interest lies in autoimmune cytopenia, and particularly immune thrombocytopenia (ITP). He has conducted several controlled, prospective,...