1. Department of Zoology and Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.
2. IUCN Global Species Programme, Cambridge CB2 3QZ, UK.
3. Conservation Programmes, Zoological Society of London, London NW1 4RY, UK.
4. IUCN Species Survival Commission, Cambridge CB2 3QZ, UK.
5. Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE), School of Anthropology and Conservation, University of Kent, Canterbury CT2 7NR, Kent, UK.
6. UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre, Cambridge CB3 0DL, UK.
7. Species360 Conservation Science Alliance, Bloomington, MN 55425, USA.
8. Interdisciplinary Centre on Population Dynamics, Department of Biology, University of Southern Denmark, 5230 Odense M, Denmark.
9. Scientific Services, CITES Secretariat, Maison International de l'Environnement, CH-1219 Geneva, Switzerland.