Ste5 RING-H2 Domain: Role in Ste4-Promoted Oligomerization for Yeast Pheromone Signaling


Inouye Carla1,Dhillon Namrita1,Thorner Jeremy1


1. Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, Division of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720–3202, USA.


Ste5 is a scaffold for the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade components in a yeast pheromone response pathway. Ste5 also associates with Ste4, the β subunit of a heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide–binding protein, potentially linking receptor activation to stimulation of the MAPK cascade. A RING-H2 motif at the Ste5 amino terminus is apparently essential for function because Ste5(C177S) and Ste5(C177A C180A) mutants did not rescue the mating defect of a ste5Δ cell. In vitro Ste5(C177A C180A) bound each component of the MAPK cascade, but not Ste4. Unlike wild-type Ste5, the mutant did not appear to oligomerize; however, when fused to a heterologous dimerization domain (glutathione S-transferase), the chimeric protein restored mating in an ste5Δ cell and an ste4Δ ste5Δ double mutant. Thus, the RING-H2 domain mediates Ste4-Ste5 interaction, which is a prerequisite for Ste5-Ste5 self-association and signaling.


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)



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