Hartree-Fock on a superconducting qubit quantum computer


,Arute Frank,Arya Kunal,Babbush Ryan,Bacon Dave,Bardin Joseph C.,Barends Rami,Boixo Sergio,Broughton Michael,Buckley Bob B.,Buell David A.,Burkett Brian,Bushnell Nicholas,Chen Yu,Chen Zijun,Chiaro Benjamin,Collins Roberto,Courtney William,Demura Sean,Dunsworth Andrew,Farhi Edward,Fowler Austin,Foxen Brooks,Gidney Craig,Giustina Marissa,Graff Rob,Habegger Steve,Harrigan Matthew P.,Ho Alan,Hong Sabrina,Huang Trent,Huggins William J.,Ioffe Lev,Isakov Sergei V.,Jeffrey Evan,Jiang Zhang,Jones Cody,Kafri Dvir,Kechedzhi Kostyantyn,Kelly Julian,Kim Seon,Klimov Paul V.,Korotkov Alexander,Kostritsa Fedor,Landhuis David,Laptev Pavel,Lindmark Mike,Lucero Erik,Martin Orion,Martinis John M.,McClean Jarrod R.,McEwen Matt,Megrant Anthony,Mi Xiao,Mohseni Masoud,Mruczkiewicz Wojciech,Mutus Josh,Naaman Ofer,Neeley Matthew,Neill Charles,Neven Hartmut,Niu Murphy Yuezhen,O’Brien Thomas E.,Ostby Eric,Petukhov Andre,Putterman Harald,Quintana Chris,Roushan Pedram,Rubin Nicholas C.,Sank Daniel,Satzinger Kevin J.,Smelyanskiy Vadim,Strain Doug,Sung Kevin J.,Szalay Marco,Takeshita Tyler Y.,Vainsencher Amit,White Theodore,Wiebe Nathan,Yao Z. Jamie,Yeh Ping,Zalcman Adam


Twelve-qubit quantum computing for chemistry Accurate electronic structure calculations are considered one of the most anticipated applications of quantum computing that will revolutionize theoretical chemistry and other related fields. Using the Google Sycamore quantum processor, Google AI Quantum and collaborators performed a variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) simulation of two intermediate-scale chemistry problems: the binding energy of hydrogen chains (as large as H 12 ) and the isomerization mechanism of diazene (see the Perspective by Yuan). The simulations were performed on up to 12 qubits, involving up to 72 two-qubit gates, and show that it is possible to achieve chemical accuracy when VQE is combined with error mitigation strategies. The key building blocks of the proposed VQE algorithm are potentially scalable to larger systems that cannot be simulated classically. Science , this issue p. 1084 ; see also p. 1054


American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)



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