1. Campaign for Science and Engineering, The Role of EU Membership in UK Science and Engineering Research (CaSE, London, 2015); http://bit.ly/roleEU-CaSE.
2. UNESCO, UNESCO Science Report: Towards 2030 (UNESCO, Paris, 2015), Table 1.4; http://bit.ly/SciRep2hpl.
3. Scientists for EU, Response to the call for evidence by the House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology on the subject of: The relationship between EU membership and the effectiveness of science, research, and innovation in the UK (Scientists for EU, London, 2016); http://scientistsforeu.uk/resources/references/.
4. Royal Society, Snapshot of the UK research workforce (Royal Society, London, 2016); http://bit.ly/2hxdLri.
5. O.Wright, Independent, 6 June 2016; http://ind.pn/2gzQcOq.