Learning programmes for technology education and its facilitation at chalk leveloften lack a scientifically founded, subject-based, philosophical framework. Matters arecomplicated by the fact that technology at school level is globally a developing subject withno existing equivalent academic discipline which can serve as a source of curriculumdevelopment and classroom pedagogy to rely upon in practice. The purpose of the article wasto do an investigation into a philosophical framework of technology that can be directive toclassroom pedagogy. The following research questions served as a departure point for thetheoretical reflection that underpinned the article, namely, (1) which aspects of a scientificallyfounded philosophical framework of technology can be directive to classroom pedagogy and(2) what are the implications of a philosophical framework of technology for specific aspectsof classroom pedagogy, for example instructional approaches, learning outcomes and learningcontent? In answer to the first research question, it was found that a philosophical frameworkof technology, based on the four modes of the manifestation of technology – namely as object,knowledge, activity, and volition – can be directive to classroom pedagogy. The teacher’schoice of learning outcomes, broad instructional approaches, strategies and skills, as well as thetypes of conceptual and procedural knowledge that should be taught, is closely related to thephilosophical underpinning of technology as phenomenon. In answer to the second researchquestion, teachers’ knowledge and understanding of a philosophical framework of technologycan support the specific choices that they must make regarding the learning outcomes, broadinstructional approaches, strategies and skills, as well as the types of conceptual and proceduralknowledge that should be taught – and hence become directive to classroom practice.
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