Occupational diseases of peripheral nervous system in Bashkortostan Republic


Karamova L. M.1,Shaikhlislamova E. R.1,Basharova A. V.2,Vlasova N. V.1


1. Ufa Institute of Occupational Health and Human Ecology

2. Main Bureau of Medical Examination in the Republic of Bashkortostan


Introduction. Multiple studies of health state of workers in various economic branches of Russia revealed that peripheral nervous system diseases are among the most prevalent disorders. Th eir prevalence varies from 32.3 to 58 diseases per 100 examined workers, and they occupy usually fi rst place in the morbidity structure. Th ey are leaders among occupational diseases also. Objective. To determine features of occupational morbidity with peripheral nervous system diseases and its structure among workers in various economic branches of Bashkortostan Republic. Materials and methods. Th orough analysis covered occupational morbidity with peripheral nervous system diseases by separate branches, workers who are directly exposed to occupational hazards. Specifi c levels of the morbidity are defi ned by occupations, length of service in each economic branch. Results. Over 100 cases of occupational diseases are annually registered in Bashkortostan Republic. Over a half of them (54%) are diseases of peripheral nervous system. Th eir share among all occupational diseases tends to increase. Th e most prevalent type of peripheral nervous system diseases are radiculopathy (0.29 cases) and vibration disease (0.14 cases per 10,000 workers). Nearly all occupational diseases of peripheral nervous system are diagnosed in machinery building, metallurgic, mining, oil extracting industries, agriculture and building industry. In these economic branches, average of 16.59 cases per 10,000 workers exposed to occupational hazards is assigned to occupational peripheral nervous system diseases. Occupational diseases of peripheral nervous system diagnosed at average length of service of 23,3±3,4 years. Th e study results helped to determine specifi c economic branches associated with peripheral nervous system disorders development. At the highest risk of peripheral nervous system disorders are workers of mining (20,8‰0) and metallurgic (10,6‰0) industries. Conclusions. Peripheral nervous system diseases are the main causes of occupational morbidity, detailed according to specifi c economic branches and occupational groups, should be a basis of particular measures on lower impact of occupational risk factors, on prevention, health preservation, occupational and medical rehabilitation of the diseased.


FSBI Research Institute of Occupational Health RAMS


General Medicine

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