On the issue of evaluation of vertebrogenic pathology in professional drivers at the stage of outpatient visit


Shaykhlislamova E.1,Vagapova D.1,Churmantayeva S.1,Berg A.2


1. Ufa Research Institute of Occupational Health and Human Ecology

2. Main Bureau of Medical Examination in the Republic of Bashkortostan


Truck drivers represent one of numerous occupational groups employed in many economic sectors. Their work is characterized by a complex of adverse occupational factors. The greatest risk for the development of musculoskeletal diseases, including vertebral pathology, is associated with vibration, adverse environment, and work stress. Analysis of the state of health in 65 male drivers from trucking industry is carried out on the basis of results of outpatient examination. It included medical history, assessment of the severity of pain according to a visual analog scale, and instrumental methods of diagnosis. Vertebrogenic diseases of the cervical spine (cervicalgia, cervicobrachialgia) were detected according to the results of examination in 73.8% of drivers and diseases of the lumbosacral region (low back pain, lumbar ischialgia, radiculopathy) in 89.2% of drivers. Increase in the length of service negatively affects the course of the disease, leading to an increase in neurologic impairment from the reflex stage in the group of people with work experience of up to 9 years to the stage of radicular compression in the group with work experience of more than 20 years. Presented data indicate the need to develop a set of targeted measures of sanitary and hygienic and therapeutic and preventive nature.


PANORAMA Publishing House

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