Bullying in preschool children


Douvlos Christos


The present article aims to shed light on exploring the issue of bullying in preschool children, with a special focus on early forms of anti-social and aggressive behaviour and suggestions about the role of the school, based on the presentation of prevention and intervention programmes in preschool education settings. The most typical forms of bullying in preschool education settings are physical aggressiveness, social exclusion and rumor spreading. Most studies indicate that physical aggressiveness is prevalent in boys, while relational and verbal aggressiveness is prevalent in girls. The role of preschool educators is crucial, as they need to learn to identify and manage early forms of aggressiveness. Therefore, their training is imperative, as they need to carefully evaluate each incident, while creating a positive learning environment and applying strategies for bullying prevention and intervention.


Southwest University Neofit Rilski


General Psychology

Reference44 articles.

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3. Children’s Bullying Experiences Expressed Through Drawings and Self-Reports

4. An Integrated Review of Indirect, Relational, and Social Aggression

5. Do Preschoolers Appreciate That Identical Actions May Be Motivated by Different Intentions?

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