Content of valuable substances in barley grain grown under contrast climate conditions


Sumina A. V.1,Polonskiy V. I.2


1. Katanov Khakass State University

2. Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University; Siberian Federal University


The influence of abiotic factors and genotype on the quality of barley yield was studied. The research was conducted in various agroclimatic conditions at two state variety-testing sites in 2019. The first is located in the steppe zone of foothills on the ordinary and southern chernozems of the Republic of Khakassia, the second – in the forest-steppe soilclimate zone of the Republic of Tuva. During the experiment, a more contrasting difference in the daily temperature range in the conditions of Tuva was noted. The following varieties of spring chaffy barley of Siberian breeding were used as an object of the study: Uvatsky, Krasnoyarsky 91, Emelya (multi-rowed), Acha, Biom, Tanay, Buyan, Takmak, Abalak, Olenek (two-rowed). Production characteristics of the varieties (weight of 1000 grains, yield), the content of protein, sugars, fat and fiber in grain were determined by using standard methods. More stringent conditions for growing plants in the Republic of Tuva, compared to the Republic of Khakassia, caused a 20% decrease in the weight of 1000 grains and yield, a 47% decrease in protein content in grain, and an increase in the accumulation of fat and fiber in it (by 24 and 48%, respectively). When growing barley in Tuva, less significant intervarietal differences were noted in the production characteristics of the crop and in the content of valuable substances in the grain (except for protein). Varieties of barley with a high content of valuable substances in grain for cultivation in the Republic of Tuva in contrasting climatic conditions were determined. Variety Krasnoyarsky 91 was recommended (there was no decrease in the mass of 1000 grains and the level of productivity) and Biome (the smallest decrease in protein content, the largest increase in the content of fat and sugars in grain).



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