This paper involves a method of eliminating hexavalent chromium (Cr (VI)) from the synthetic water via a low dosage of carbon nanotubes (CNT). The ability of CNT to remove Cr(VI) from synthetic water through the adsorption process was studied in batch experimentation. The findings revealed up to 100% elimination of Cr(VI) in the 0.07 mg/L Cr(VI) concentration. These excessive elimination proficiencies were credited to the powerful adsorption of chromium ions to the physical properties of the CNT. A pattern layout was created in these experimental runs in order to locate the ideal situation of the Cr(VI) deletion from synthetic water. To accomplish the purposes of the experiment, there were 4 independent variables influencing several points, namely the CNT dosage, the pH of the water, the agitation speed, and the contact time. The StatGraphics Centurion XV software has been used to create the adsorption equivalence and to discover the major impacts to the elimination of Cr(VI). The results show that the adsorption capability of the carbon nanotubes was considerably reliant on the pH of the Cr(VI) solution, supported by the CNT dosage, the contact time, and the agitation speed. The expected optimization, using the adsorption equation, shows that a 1 mg CNT dosage with a pH=2, 120 minutes contact time, and moderate agitation rate at 150 rpm is the most optimal.
ABSTRAK: Kajian ini melibatkan kaedah bagi menyingkirkan kromium (VI) dari air sintetik menggunakan karbon tiub nano berdos rendah. Eksperimen kelompok dilakukan bagi menentukan keupayaaan karbon tiub nano menyingkirkan Cr(VI) dari air sintetik melalui proses penjerapan. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan Cr(VI) telah disingkirkan sebanyak 100% dari kepekatan 0.07 mg/L Cr(VI). Kecekapan penyingkiran ini adalah disebabkan penjerapan ion-ion kromium yang kuat terhadap sifat fizikal nano tiub karbon tersebut. Rekabentuk eksperimen telah dibina bagi menentukan peringkat optima penyingkiran Cr(VI) dari air sintetik. Bagi mencapai matlamat kajian, empat faktor yang terdiri daripada dos nano tiub karbon, pH air, kelajuan goncangan dan masa sentuhan diukur. Perisian StatGraphics Centurion XV telah digunakan bagi mendapatkan nilai setara proses penjerapan dan kesan utama yang menyebabkan tersingkirnya Cr(VI). Dapatan kajian menunjukkan keupayaan penjerapan oleh nano tiub karbon sangat bergantung kepada pH larutan Cr(VI), disusuli dengan dos nano tiub karbon masa sentuhan dan kelajuan goncangan. Penjerapan optimum Cr(VI) dapat dicapai pada tahap 1 mg dos nano tiub karbon, larutan pada pH 2, masa sentuhan selama 120 minit dengan kelajuan goncangan sebanyak 150 rpm.
Applied Mathematics,General Engineering,General Chemical Engineering,General Computer Science