Case Report: Management of Dadru Kushtha (Tinea Corporis) by Shamana Chikits


Panda Dr. ManishaORCID,Deshmukh Dr. SourabhORCID,Thakre Dr. TruptiORCID


Background Skin disorders are often seen as a result of a change in lifestyle, a lack of physical activity, and inadequate nutrition. Hygiene, emotional stress, and poor eating habits are also factors to consider. Kushta is the term used in Ayurveda to describe all skin disorders which is classified as Mahakushtha (major skin disorders) and Kshudrakushtha (minor skin disorders). Dadrukushta is a type of kshudrakushta that is commonly seen in clinical practice. In Ayurveda, the signs of dadrukushta are same as those of Tinea corporis, which is explained in modern science. Tinea corporis has a wide range of clinical symptoms that are mostly dependent on the infective organisms. By treating the condition with Ayurveda’s treatment therapy produces long term Outcomes. Aim & Objectives Aim of this contemporary study was to assess how Ayurvedic modality shamana chikitsa works on Dadrukushta. Case A 27 year old male patient approached to Kayachikitsa OPD with complaints of blackish lesions with raised borders and itching over the chest and back (upper) region for 15 days having disturbed sleep which undergone treatment of shamanachikitsa (palliative care). Dadrukushta (Tinea corporis) can be dealt with shamana karma (palliative care) using internally Gandhakrasayan (Moringa ovalifolia prepared from sulphur), Panchtiktaghrita (Pancha means five, Tikta means bitter in taste. Tikta Rasapradhan Dravyas are collectively called as Panchatikta Dravyas. The five Dravyas are Azadirachta indica (Neem), Trichosanthes dioica (Patola), Solanum xanthocarpum (Kantakari), Tinofpora cordifolia (Guduchi) and Adhatoda vasica (Adulsa), fungiwin cream, Karanjataila (Pongamia pinnata oil tree), S-kin powder for local application for 45 days. Results The Gradation Score was 8 before treatment, after 45 days it was 0. The patient in this case study experienced relief in the symptoms. Conclusions The patient obtained better results by Shamanachikitsa.


F1000 Research Ltd


General Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics,General Immunology and Microbiology,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,General Medicine

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