Background: This study aims to examine the potential of currently available administrative health data for palliative and end-of-life care (PEoLC) research in Ireland. Objectives include to i) identify administrative health data sources for PEoLC research ii) describe the challenges and opportunities of using these and iii) estimate the impact of recent health system reforms and changes to data protection laws. Methods: The 2017 Health Information and Quality Authority catalogue of health and social care datasets was cross-referenced with a recognised list of diseases with associated palliative care needs. Criteria to assess the datasets included population coverage, data collected, data dictionary and data model availability and mechanisms for data access. Results: Eight datasets with potential for PEoLC research were identified, including four disease registries, (cancer, cystic fibrosis, motor neurone and interstitial lung disease), death certificate data, hospital episode data, community prescription data and one national survey. The ad hoc development of the health system in Ireland has resulted in i) a fragmented information infrastructure resulting in gaps in data collections particularly in the primary and community care sector where much palliative care is delivered, ii) ill-defined data governance arrangements across service providers, many of whom are not part of the publically funded health service and iii) systemic and temporal issues that affect data quality. Initiatives to improve data collections include introduction of i) patient unique identifiers, ii) health entity identifiers and iii) integration of the eircode postcodes. Recently enacted general data protection and health research regulations will clarify legal and ethical requirements for data use. Conclusions: With appropriate permissions, detailed knowledge of the datasets and good study design currently available administrative health data can be used for PEoLC research. Ongoing reform initiatives and recent changes to data privacy laws will facilitate future use of administrative health data for PEoLC research.
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