1. University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia
In the past decades, in all the world schools and faculties of economics, it was taught that the main objective of economic policy is to ensure continuous economic growth. However, for reasons of limited absorption capacity of the environment and increasing reduction of the original ecosystems, models of economic growth are in opposition to the basic ecological principles. This is primarily the consequence of learning and applying the conventional economic paradigm which disregards the relationship between economy and environment. Therefore, the authors of this paper, proceeding from the correlation between economy and environment from the aspect of fundamental natural laws, analysed the basic determinants of the strong sustainability paradigm which implies that natural capital resources should be maintained in the constant flow of time. The research also includes analysis of the correlation between specific economic and ecological challenges of sustainable development in global regions. The authors concluded that sustainable economy may exist only in the sustainable symbiosis with the natural system. Taking into account the complex relationship between nature, society, technology and economy, the authors concluded the paper with the proposition of concrete guidelines for a reform of economic education, in accordance with the concept of strong sustainability.
Key words: economy, education, environment, strong sustainability, weak sustainability.
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